birth story II.

So typically the sequels to any story aren't as good as the original but Edith's birth was an amazing journey.

It all started Thanksgiving day. I was busy preparing side dished and straighten up my house since my in-laws were coming over to have a thanksgiving meal with us. Around noon I started to notice that I was having contractions (which I had been having nightly off and on for the past two days). I would have to stop whatever I was doing and just sway as a wave (contraction) came over me. They were irregular and not demanding so although I knew in my head they were helping my body get ready, in my heart I was annoyed they didn't feel real.

I had Albert 10 days early and since I was 3 days past my due date with no signs she was coming I felt rather discourage every day that went by.

When my in-laws arrived and noticed me swaying every couple of minutes I think they got a little alarmed. My MIL attempted to talk to me while I was having a contraction and I told her to be quiet (I'm not very nice when I'm pregnant and far less nice during labor). After the contraction passed Adam and I told them it was just early labor and that there was nothing to worry about. I knew my contractions had to get more intense and closer together and being that they were 15 minutes apart I knew we still had a lot of time.

Every 15 minutes another contraction would come and I would just sit silently though it. I felt discourage as my body just continued to tease me with a contraction. After the meal we all cleaned up and my in-laws were anxious to get their things to come back over (they were the ones watching Albert during the birth) but I knew I just needed privacy and to hopefully find my rhythm.

I asked everyone to go home and I just sat on the couch and cried. I wasn't sure what my body was doing and I was tired. Tired of being pregnant, tired of the nightly contractions, and tired of everyone asking "when the baby was going to come". I felt confused and so discouraged.

Adam and my best friend Rachel were probably both so annoyed with me complaining about how crappy I felt and how I thought "today was going to be the day" almost every day for the previous two weeks.

After a few minutes I regained my composure and got determined to keep my labor progressing. We strapped Albert in his stroller and went for a walk. I was really hoping this would help move things along but sadly things seemed to peter out after our walk.

We did our bedtime routine with Albert and I kissed him goodnight unsure if we were going to be there in the morning when he woke up.

I sat in the basement with Adam and I was determined to get my contractions back up. I took a shower, had a glass of wine, and told Adam I was going to walk the stairs to pick my labor back up. I walked up the first couple stairs and exhaustion just over took me. I sat down with Adam and told him I give up. I was so tired from the day of food prep, and all I wanted to do was sleep. I accepted the fact that maybe she wasn't ready to come yet and right now my body was telling me I needed rest.

I went to bed with my round belly one last time.

It was around 2 am that I woke up to contractions. Again I had been having nightly contractions so I didn't think too much of it. It wasn't until around 4 that I woke up Adam because my contractions were getting more intense. We called Adam's mom and gave her an update but told her to stay home until we called the midwife.

We moved down to the basement so I could be more vocal and use the bathroom without worrying about waking up Albert. We started timing my contractions but since they were still 15 minutes apart I knew there was nothing we could do besides wait. I kept setting the goal of one more hour before we called anyone. If I could make it one more hour things would progress closer and then we would call.... or so I thought.

It wasn't until I started to feel more pressure lower that I told Adam it was time to call the midwife. It was around 5 am and I apologized for waking her up and we chatted. I told her my contractions were 15 minutes apart but I was feeling pressure lower so that worried me (I did not want to have a car baby).  She suggested I take a shower and then use the breast pump in hopes that my contractions would get closer together.  She told me to wait until my MIL had arrived becuase things could move rather quickly.

5:30 my MIL arrives and at this point my contractions were intense. I was very vocal with them but the time in between them still seemed to be dragging along.  It didn't help that Albert was awake at this point and all I could think about was him.

I took a shower and got dressed in my labor clothes. I was nervous about using the breast pump so I took my time getting dressed. As I got dressed I had three strong contractions about 4 minutes apart and my mind raced with excitement. This was really it.

It was right around this time that Albert fell out of his high chair and as I heard him cry my heart sank. I ran up the stair held him in my arms and we both cried.  This is all while Adam and my MIL told me I needed to calm down and to not get so upset. I walked into the living room holding Albert close and something in my heart knew it was the last time it was going to be me and my Bertie. As I felt another contraction coming on I passed Albert to Adam and walked into my room. I called the midwife again and told her my contractions picked up but I knew my running up the stairs sent adrenaline racing through my body and that it may cause my labor to slow so I told her to give me 15 more minutes before headed to the birth center. As soon as we hung up I had my strongest contraction and started throwing up. I frantically signed to Adam to call back the midwife and let her know we had to leave now!

The drive to the birth center takes about 30 minutes and there is always something so surreal about driving that distance while in labor. During my weekly commute out there for my prenatal appointments I would listen to Hozier and talk to my belly. So as soon as we got in the car to head out I quickly put on my Hozier cd and thought about how soon I was going to meet my little girl. 

I really wanted to get in the birth pool but I also knew there was potential it could slow my labor. So Adam and I made an agreement that if I was over 7 cm I could get in the birth pool. My labor was really long with Albert and this time I wanted to be sure to keep my labor progressing. Adam told me he was proud of me and we just held hands as we drove along.

It was around 6:30 a.m. when we arrived and my midwife met us in the parking lot. My contractions still felt far apart so in-between my intense contractions we just chatted. 

We got settled and Melissa, my midwife, asked if I was ready to be checked. I asked if she had small hands and told her I wanted a big number. She smiled and rhetorically asked how would I feel if she told me I was 8 cm. 

Holy Moly I was 8 cm!!! I kissed Adam and told him how excited I was. I called my sister and told her to come as soon as possible. I really didn't want her to miss the birth.

Melissa got the birth pool set up as my nurse Kendall arrived. She was there for Albert's birth and I was really excited to have her there for the birth of Edie. She walked into the room and as I was on hands and knees I looked up and said "welcome to my vagina party". We all laughed and I grew quiet as another contraction started.  

I had a lot of lower back pain during this labor so when I was told the birth pool was ready I just about jumped in. Once in the water I could feel my whole body relax and I just did my best to fall into a rhythm.  This labor felt so different from Alberts birth and maybe that was because I knew what to expect but in between contractions I made jokes and just enjoyed the time talking to everyone.

It was around 8 a.m. that Melissa and Kendall went home and I got a new midwife and nurse, Cassanda and Jamie. One thing that stood out to me is before Melissa left she told me she was proud of me and gave me a big hug. It was so personal and genuine. Her hug was what I needed in that moment. It was warm, compassionate and mother-like in the best possible way. 

My sister, Amanda arrived just shortly before Melissa and Kendall left. I introduced her to everyone and we talked about how she was up until 1 a.m. Black Friday shopping.

My contractions were picking up but I could still tell that I had a while to go. Adam offered to take photos and to put on my oil diffuser but I felt so focused that I told him no. 

It was around 9 a.m. that I got checked again and my heart sank when I was told I was still at 8 cm. 

My nurse Jamie, knew this broke my heart. She could tell I was over thinking my labor and that I wasn't allowing my body to relax like I needed to.

She gave me some time to process my feelings and then she came over and knelt down beside the pool. She told me I had to stop doula-ing myself. She told me to just relax and to stop over thinking it. 

(This is the one photo Jamie took.) 

I'm sure I gave her a death glare after she said this but I let the words run through my head, she was right (even if I didn't want to admit it).

They mentioned breaking my water but I was scared about doing it this too early because I didn't want to put too much pressure on my cervix since I wasn't fully dilated.

I asked them to give me some time and then we would do another check. I talked to Adam and came up with the plan that if I was 9 cm or more I would let them break my water.

Low and behold I was at 9 cm and although I came up with this plan myself I still felt scared and nervous.

I knew getting out of the pool wasn't going to be easy but I also knew that breaking my water was going to help things progress along. 

I was assisted out of the pool and onto the bed. My contractions were really stong at this point and laying on my back was awful. I think it took me at least 3 or 4 contractions before I could get in the right position for my midwife. 

It was 10:30 when Cassandra broke my water and the pressure of Edie engaging was intense. I really wanted to get back in the pool but getting back across the room seemed impossible. I held onto Cassanda for a contraction and all I could think was "I'm going to poop on my midwife". Thankfully I was able to get back in the pool and I didn't poop on my midwife. 

Pushing during Albert's birth was the hardest part for me, but Edie was really low and my body knew what to do this time. 

I was able to push very effectively and Edith was born 45 minutes later. I told everyone that if she had hair they could tell me but if it wasn't red to not tell me what color it was. To my surprise Edie was born with a head full of dark hair.

Edith Monroe was born November 24, 2017 at 11:15. She weighted 8 lbs 7 oz, and was 20 inches long. 

Edie's birth was so different from Albert's and I knew God set it forth for me to have the birth team I needed. I felt loved, supported, and encouraged the whole time and it was such an amazing experience. 

My sister is one of the strongest people I know. She is so calm and nurturing and I was so grateful to have her with me. 

(Amanda got to cut the cord.)

Adam is the best birth partner I could ask for. He knows how to reassure me when doubt starts to creep in and he helps me feel confident about the choices I make during labor. He is a great example of a Bradley dad and to see him care for both Edie and Albert make me the proudest wife in the world. 


  1. Your story was so incredible. Of course giving birth is incredible. Love all of you and I can't wait to meet Edith. - Cioci Helen (don't know how to change the Comment as: part of this.


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