heartbreak hasn't happen yet.
A Damien Rice song came on and I froze in my tracks.
I felt the ringing in my ears and the tears rise in my face.
I did everything to hold them back but they must have slipped.
It was only when our son asked me why I was cry did I realize I had lost my grip,
my strength,
my armor.
Heartbreak hasn't happened yet.
Survival mode pushed me to keep going,
to not slow down.
I kicked my feet as hard as I could to keep my head just above the water.
But it was when a Damien Rice song came on and I froze in my tracks,
that the heartbreak gently slipped in.
I lost my grip.
my amour.
my strength.
Heartbreak hasn't happened yet.
I'm sure it will slip in more often.
A Damien Rice song will come on and I frozen in my tracks
will loose my grip,
and tears will fall.
But it is when that happens that I will breath deep and know,
know that I have people who will not let me slip.
They will be my amour,
my strength,
and the rope that hold me safe.
Heartbreak hasn't happen yet.
When A Damien Rice song comes on and I am frozen in my tracks;
I will listen to my people who tell me to believe.
To believe in my strength,
my amour,
and my true self worth.
It is because of them that
Heartbreak hasn't happened yet.
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