breastfeeding while pregnant.

Breastfeeding while pregnant is really hard.

I made the goal of breastfeeding Albert for at least a year and beyond the initial adjustment time everything was going well. 

Albert has a great latch and honestly I love feeding him. We have funny little nursing games we play and every morning we cuddle in bed for morning milkies. 

When I first found out I was pregnant I did some researched and prepared myself for the possible end of nursing. I did my best to get use to the idea but I always knew deep down in my heart that I didn't want to stop.

So far the pregnant breastfeeding journey hasn't been easy. I've struggled with weigh gain, and sore nipples. I keep praying that I can just keep it up for one more day. 

My new goal is to make it until the end of July. Albert will be 11 months and I know he will be okay. 

It makes me really sad to know that we probably won't make it a full year but I'm proud to say I've breastfeed my son through more than half of my pregnancy. 

I honestly could not have made it this far without my breast friends, Rachel and Amanda. They have kept me company during late night nursing sessions, helped me have confidents to breastfeed in public, and encouraged me when I wanted to give up. I'm so glad I have them to confide in and I hope all breast feeding woman can find a breast friend. 


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