cape may.

Just last week our family took a little trip to Cap May, NJ. It was the perfect way to celebrate the last couple weeks as a family of three. Cape May is a beautiful old beach town and I'm sure we will go back one day. 

We went to this beautiful winery for a pasta dinner and it was a lot of fun. We wanted to walk along the vineyard but about 10 feet into our walk I stepped on a bee so I only got these three photo from that part of our trip. (I've never been stung by a bee before and was very surprised about how much it hurt) 
Albert is kind of an early riser so we tried to do walks on the beach before nap time. 

There was this great ice cream sandwich place called Peace Pie. We liked it so much we went there twice. Albert was happy to get a cookie from there too. 
These two photos perfectly describe how silly Albert is. He is always so excited to see us and he is very into pointing right now.  
Albert loves the beach. The sand was so soft and since it was off season we pretty much had the place to ourselves. He loved crawling along the sand chasing seagulls, and finding little treasures. 

He put his face directly into the sand. 


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