birth bag.

Having an out of hospital birth is a unique experience. There is a lot of freedoms that come along with it but there are also some added responsibilities. One major one is the fact that you are in charge of your own labor and postpartum comfort supplies. 

I remember with Albert's birth I spent a lot of time on Pinterest researching all the possible things I would want in my birth bag and I packed this huge diaper bag full of a million and one things.  With this birth I'm still probably over packing but I really wanted to have a more minimalist approach to my birth bag.  

With that said I thought I would share what I have packed in my bag and hopefully it can help out another momma. 

First up are my clothes to labor in. 

I really want to be comfortable while in labor and personally don't love being completely nude so I like having an loose fitting nightgown. I really like gilligan & o'malley sleep wear from target and I was able to find a simple black short sleeve night gown that is perfect to laboring in. It is really soft and easy to just throw on so.  That way when I'm waddling to the car to head to the birth center I'm not worried about having to put on pants and it's modest enough that I won't care if my neighbors see me in it. (True story: During Albert's birth my neighbor saw me throwing up off the side of my porch right before we headed out.) I also have a simple black bralette packed that I will wear in the birth pool. I'm a pretty modest person so the bralette is nice because I can still feel covered up and not worry if my birth photos will be to revealing to share. Lastly I have cheap slippers and huge underwear. I don't feel I need to explain these too much, they will serve their purpose and be thrown away. 

My camera (not photographed) is very important to me during my birth. I cherish the photos from Albert's birth and I'm really excited to have Adam capture this birth. 

Next I have my comfort items for labor. 
These include my diffuser and essential oils, food, fishy cup, speaker and charging cables. 
My doula brought her diffuser to my first birth and I loved it. It was so comforting to just have a nice smell to focus on and it created a beautiful relaxing environment. 
Music was really important to me during labor becuase it was a nice distraction. I remember catching parts of a song and just smiling as I listen to the lyrics. I have a playlist that includes everything from christian worship songs to glass animals. It is fun to think of the lyrics and dedicate each song to your baby.

 Next up is food. At the birth center you are encouraged to eat and drink during labor. It is important for keeping your blood sugar level balanced and keeping you hydrated. I had a hard time keeping food down with my first labor but I'm hoping this time I will be able to keep food in my system better. I really like honey sticks becuase they are calorie dense and easy to eat between contractions. I also have granola bars, and honey stingers. If I can eat them great but if not they also work as fuel for Adam. The instant coffee is for Adam. 

A cup with a straw is really nice to have because it is easy for a support person to offer you during labor. I have this fun "fishy" cup that I'm bring with me.

We will also pack a small cooler of "cold" food. It will include juice, sandwiches (for Adam and I), cheese, yogurts, pudding cups, and other easy to eat food. These items are as much for Adam as they are for me. There isn't a food court or even vending machines to quickly grab some food so having a meal or two is really important for everyone. 

We get discharged 4-6 hours after the birth but there are three requirement I have to do: use the bathroom, eat and shower.  These allows the midwives to asses that my body is functioning and that I can go home safely.

The shower after the birth is so refreshing. I like to know that my body is clean and it really helps me feel new after the birth. I tried to get sample sizes of bath product so I can just throw away the packaging and not have to deal with wet soap bottles. I have a full size towel in the car too. I didn't have one with Albert and drying off with a tiny birth center towel was not fun. 

Some people love depends for postpartum but I'm more of a maxi pad gal. I also have a couple chux pads packed for the car ride to or from the birth center. It is just easier to not be worried about having to clean off a car seat. 

My coming home clothes are simple. I have a pair of loose fitting jeans, a nursing tank top, and a cardigan, (along with giant underwear).

For baby girl I have packed two outfits, diapers, socks, mittens, and a hat.

I also have a swaddle blanket and a warmer wool blanket for the car ride.

The last thing I have in my birth bag is my birth plan. It is really in there if I end up getting transferred to the hospital but other than that it probably won't even leave my birth bag. 


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