minimalist christmas.

Dear Alix (and any other friends reading this),

It is okay to not have a giant pile of gifts under the tree of a perfectly decorated house. It is okay to only buy a few presents whether it is for economical reasons, minimalist reasons, or even just because. Your family knows they are loved no matter how much is under the tree. Social media may cause you to feel less than as you scroll through the endless photos of a million toys but know in your heart you are enough. 
No matter if you have one or a trillion presents under the tree (or even no tree at all) we are just the same.  Our kids will all fight over the one new present and refuse to share the "coolest gift ever" and we will all have infinite tiny pieces of wrapping paper stuck to the bottoms of our feet. And we will all compare ourselves to someone else on social media and if (when) that self doubt slips in just close your eyes and listen. There is a smile in their voices, joy in their laughs, and a sense of pride as they exclaim "I did it" when they try something new. 

You are enough. 

Merry Christmas. 


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