i'm going to be a doula.
The birth of Albert was a huge life changing event for me beyond the obvious fact receiving my son. I loved the birth experience itself. I don't remember the pain, tears, fear or cursing. All I can recall is how much love I was shown.
I never felt so supported in my life.
I'm a marathoner so I know what it feels like to have someone cheering you on, but in birth your cheerleaders are totally different. I had an incredible birth team literally putting my hair in a pony tail, feeding me juice, and telling me not to worry about the poo floating around my birth pool.
My doula Kate, (and Adam) showed such perseverance and strength that I never felt like I couldn't do it.
Kate was able to assess the situation through my labor and always knew the next step to help me progress along.
Birth, wether it is unmedicated, or a planed C-Section takes bravery and strength. Having the right support team really makes the difference.
I reflect on the birth experience a lot and it breaks my heart to see so many young moms feeling like their birth didn't go the way that they expected. I truly believe that with the right support and encouragement all woman can love their birth experience.
With that being said I'm going to study to become a doula.
A doula is an incredible resource for women. They help provide comfort, support, and even education.
I feel such passion and drive to pursue this because I love birth. I want all woman to be able to hold their baby and to feel incredible pride at their accomplishment.
Birth is no easy feat and all woman deserve to feel loved, supported, and proud.
I can't wait to see how God uses me as I move on to this new chapter of my life.
Kate was one of the first people to hold Albert. I'm incredibly inspired by her and I'm so glad she was there for my birth.
I wrote this post with the idea of being a doula weighting heavy on my heart. I've prayed and God has answer. I'm becoming a doula.
As I spoke to the CEO of ProDoula I knew I was making the right decision. I felt supported before I even make the commitment. I'm so proud to be taking this next step in my life.
Bring on the babies!
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