albert's toys.

Albert doesn't have a lot of toys and that is okay. His first birthday is coming up and I've created a wish list of beautiful wooden toys and other fancy baby things, but I know that if all he received was a balloon he would be perfectly happy.

So far I have been able to keep things simple and rather minimalist when it comes to baby toys, but I know it won't always be this easy. I have this odd sense of pride in having a small amount of toys, but I also struggle while comparing myself to other moms. 

 I see moms post pictures on Instagram of their child's play room (most often the old living room) filled with bright colors, slides, plastic chairs, and bouncers galore. I immediately get worried that maybe Albert needs more toys; that maybe he doesn't have enough stimulation.  That if only he had one more toy maybe he would (insert developmental milestone here).

In complete contact I spend way too must time looking at beautiful Montessori playrooms and desperately want to throw away any toy that needs batteries or sings songs.  It is an odd world of comparison we live in.

Albert and I spend a lot of time reading books, dancing, going for walks, and just cuddling.  I tell myself that no matter how many toys I buy him he will still want to be close to his momma reading books, dancing, going for walks, and cuddling. But I also cherish the moments when I can just sit next to him and scroll mindlessly on Instagram (mom confession).  I love open play and I want to encourage him to create, explore, and use his imagination as much as possible. I also value that 20 minutes where he plays independently. I can't always be his constant play mate and I need him to be able to entertain himself and as I get further along in pregnancy I can really start to see the value of toys. My sweet, crazy, energetic boy needs toys to play with and that is okay.  

With all that said the few toys he has he loves. One thing I have gotten into the habit of is cycling his toys out every month or so. This allows them to be new and exciting without succumbing to the pressure to buy a new toy every month. He has a deep love for balloons so almost every month while at the store we pick one up.  It is his favorite toy to chase around the house.

I keep his toys in small baskets so it is easy to clean up at the end of the day. He only has one or two large toys that take over a room, but I try to keep them minimal and search for ones that fit within our home, both aesthetically and finically.

This is his basket of toys that stays in our TV room in the basement.  He really loves the zebra rattle that we have named Patrick.  Since we spend so little time in the basement I don't keep a lot of toys down there. 

This is his living room toy basket. I keep it on the bookshelf so it is easy to pack up and put away at the end of the day. It has the beloved (and very annoying) singing caterpillar, as well as an assortment of balls. These are the toys I most often switch out since he plays with them the most.

He loves playing with his puppy dogs. He will roll them around the floor and chew on their faces. 

He just got this vintage little people bus from his grandmother. He really loves all the little people, and it is very sweet to see him interact with them. I really like this toy becuase I know he will be able to play with it as he gets older. 

Lastly, this is his balloon for July (the one from August died). He gets a new balloon every month. If you saw the joy that a simple $.97 balloon brings my son you would cave too. 

I'm not sure where our relationship with toys will lead. His birthday is coming up and I'm sure he will get more toys than he can even process but I do know that either way we will be okay. Toys have their place and time and we can always get more baskets to hid them away. 


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