edie's room.
When we found out we were having another baby I wondered where we were going to put her. Our house is a small cape cod and I just didn't love the idea of putting her upstairs. I spent hours trying to think of the right place for her. We even talked about moving to a bigger house. But the reality is three bedrooms is the perfect amount of space for a family of four.
I changed my mindset and started transforming our catch-all guest bedroom into Edie's room. I painted the walls blue when we first moved in and when I was designing her room I was set on repainting it. I painted four swatches of different shades of white and stared at them for months on end. As the baby items were slowly taking over I felt the need to get her room fully together. I grabbed the left over blue paint and covered the white patches and used the beautiful colors of an ikat rug as inspiration.
I'm not a huge fan of pink so I think blue is a fitting color for a little girls room.
I love the playful nature of children's toys and used them as inspiration to create a fun and unique bedroom. I'm a little bit of a collector (hoarder) but it really comes it handy when trying to decorate a new space. My friend Caleb illustrated this beautiful calendar a couple years ago and I just held onto it becuase I wasn't ready to throw it away. So when I was looking for art to hang in Edie's room it was the perfect addition.
Most of Edie's bedroom furniture was bought second hand. This bookshelf is one of my favorite pieces. I drove over an hour across town with my mother-in-law and had to take it apart in the middle of the road to get it to fit in my car. It was an adventure but it works perfectly in this space.
I tried to keep things simple. I have what I need in the space but it isn't limited to just a nursery. I hope to one day have both Edie and Albert up here. It is such a fun and playful space and I know a lot of fun memories will be made in this room.
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