take charge routine.
The take charge routine is a method used by doulas to help a momma regain composure and focus during labor. Anyone that has had a baby can attest to fact that things get a little intense at times (understatement). You will tightly close your eyes, clench your fist, and just feel like you are getting pummeled by the waves over and over again. You feel like you are fighting it and it just seems impossible to continue one more minute. This is when your amazing doula swoops in and tells you firmly (but lovingly) to open your eyes, slow down your breathing, take a drink of water and she reassures you that you can do this. She might even make you say "I can do it" out loud.
I write this all because I needed the take charge routine this week.
I was so stressed that I couldn't process anything going on around me. I felt beaten down and I was fighting everything I couldn't control. I was so focused on the negatives that I pushed all the good out of my perspective.
I had to open my eyes, take a deep breath, drink some water, and believe in my ability to mother.
When I was able to open my eye to what was important I was able to see my two adorable (I'm bias) children playing together. Albert held Edie's hand as they snuggled in her moses basket.
My deep breaths lifted the heavy of stress off my chest.
I drank some water and make some hot cocoa for myself.
I started to believe that I can do this.
Motherhood can really beat you down sometimes but if you can remember to open you eyes to what is good, take a deep breath, drink some water, and believe in yourself, you can do it.
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