best friends.
Thanksgiving is here and I'm feeling really luck to call two amazing woman my best friends.
Jescie and I met less than 2 years ago but I couldn't imagine going a week without seeing her. Our kids act more like siblings than friends and together we turn heads every time we roll up to the playground. She is always there to make my shitty parenting decisions not seem so crazy and encourage me when I feel like a bad mom for the day. Thank you for putting up with my crazies and always being willing to meet up at the playground on a moments notice.
Rachel literally lives 1,000 miles away from me and yet she knows just what to say, and do when I'm struggling. She is always there for me and the distance doesn't feel that difficult when the love feels so genuine. Cheesy I know but the day she left I think both of us worried our friendship might not make it but it has. We text almost every day and sometimes it to help to pick out clothes for picture day and other times it is to talk about how much depression sucks. She has saved me from myself many times and I know that I can always call her in a time of need. Thank you for always loving me and being my sounding board.
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